Category Archives: Announcements

MACRS Conference June 2010

I drove down to the MACRS Cape conference on Sunday, June 6, 2010 and I spoke to folks that had been there for all the classes on both Saturday and Sunday and they were pleased with the content and presentations.  I had the privilege … Continue reading

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Over the past 24 years, our investments did better than the S&P 500!

At the end of 2009, Franklin Regional Retirement investment returns bettered the S&P 500 returns for the period 1985 to 2009.  At the end of 2009 FRRS returned 8.03% while the S&P 500 returned 7.88%.  Now that’s what I’m talking about!  (Now … Continue reading

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2009 Annual Report – Ready to read

This report is sent into PERAC every year and it includes a balance sheet, revenue and expense reports, a headcount report and detailed investment reports. To find, click on the Local Officials tab and there are two reports. One is … Continue reading

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Welcome! We are now on the web and building content.

Here we come.  With the very capable assistance of Daniel Lieberman we have entered the internet fray and are ramping up our active presence on the web.  Soon this website will be loaded up with useful forms and publications, links, and information … Continue reading

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