Storm: Retirement office closed Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Franklin Regional Retirement office will be closed on Tuesday, January 27, 2015, and maybe Wednesday as well, due to the snow storm forecasted to bring 12 to 30 inches of snow.

Good luck,
Dale Kowacki, Executive Director

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Agenda for the January 28, 2015 Board meeting has been uploaded.

Click to view  the agenda for the January 28, 2015 regular Board Meeting.

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November 2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Uploaded

The minutes of the November 24, 2014 Board meeting have been uploaded to the 2014 minutes page. Click here to view.

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Agenda for the December 17, 2014 Board meeting has been uploaded.

Click here to view the agenda for the December 17, 2014 regular Board Meeting.

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Election Results December 2014

The Franklin Regional Retirement System concluded a regular election on December 5, 2014, that resulted in the re-election of Mary A. Stokarski to the position of Third Member on the board for a three-year term beginning on January 1, 2015 and ending December 31, 2017. Ms. Stokarski, who is a retired Treasurer, Collector, and Town Clerk from the Town of Deerfield, will be starting her third term. The election was conducted by mail and saw 33% participation by the eligible members of the system. Of the 1,971 ballots mailed, 653 were returned and counted. The other candidate was Gary M. Sibilia, retired Chief of Police, Town of Northfield. The results were: Stokarski – 463, and Sibilia – 190.


Dale Kowacki

Election Officer

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Agenda for the December 12, 2014 Board meeting has been uploaded.

Click here to view the agenda for the December 12, 2014 Board Meeting.

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October 2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Uploaded

The minutes of the October 29, 2014 Board meeting have been uploaded to the 2014 minutes pages. Click here to view.

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Election 2014 ballot counting date set

The counting of ballots for the election concluding Thursday, December 4, 2014 will be at 9:00 am on Friday, December 5, 2014 at our main office.

Please click this link to our election page to read the posted notice and instructions for ballot counters (thanks – we already have enough counters):

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2014 Mid cap search results

Massachusetts General Law 32 §23(b) requires that retirement systems in Massachusetts re-bid each investment contract at least every five years.

The Franklin Regional Retirement Board recently concluded its search for mid cap managers, and at its regular meeting on Monday, November 24, 2014 voted to retain/rehire its current mid cap manager, Seizert Capital Partners, because Seizert’s continued good performance was top in the pool of respondents.

Analysis and recommendation was made by the Board’s investment consultant(s), Greg McNeillie, and Steve Roth of Dahab Associates. Click here to read their summary:

Franklin Regional 2014 MCC Search summary

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Agenda for the November 24, 2014 Board meeting has been uploaded.

Click here to view the agenda for the November 24, 2014 regular Board Meeting.

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