Our Ratio of Funding Future Liability is Climbing!

PERAC just released the latest rankings list of funded ratios (funding for future retirements) for all the systems and we look pretty good comparatively.  Granted, all the data dates are not the same, some are current, some are three years old, ours is a year and a half old, but it still gives some basis for comparison (without a lot of effort updating everyone’s numbers out-of-schedule).  With our old number (66.6%), we are ranked number 43 out 107 systems.  Out latest calculation of funded ratio was 73.5% as of May 31, 2011 – so clearly we are climbing out of the 2008/2009 stock drop and approaching our pre-drop status of 80%.  (Hold off on the champagne until we hit 100% – but nice to see we’re heading in the right direction – forward Ho!)

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