Author Archives: Staff

March 2013 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Uploaded

The minutes of the March 27, 2013 Board meeting have been uploaded to the 2013 minutes page. Click here to view.

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Agenda for the April 24, 2013 Board meeting has been uploaded.

Click here to view the agenda for the April 24, 2013 regular Board Meeting.

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March 2013 Special Board Meeting Minutes Uploaded

The minutes of the March 11, 2013 Special Board meeting have been uploaded to the 2013 minutes page. Click here to view.

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February 2013 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Uploaded

The minutes of the February 27, 2013 Board meeting have been uploaded to the 2013 minutes page. Click here to view.

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Agenda for the March 27, 2013 Board meeting has been uploaded.

Click here to view the agenda for the March 27, 2013 regular Board Meeting.

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Agenda for a special meeting of the Retirement Board on March 11, 2013 has been uploaded.

Click here to view the agenda for the special meeting of the Retirement Board on Monday, March 11, 2013 at 8:00 AM.

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January 2013 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Uploaded

The minutes of the January 30, 2013 Board meeting have been uploaded to the 2013 minutes page. Click here to view.

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Agenda for the February 27, 2013 Board meeting has been uploaded.

Click here to view the agenda for the February 27, 2013 regular Board meeting.

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December 2012 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Uploaded

The minutes of the December 19, 2012 Board meeting have been uploaded to the 2012 minutes page. Click here to view.

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Schedule for the 2013 Board meetings and the agenda for the January 30, 2013 Board meeting has been uploaded.

Click here to view the 2013 Board meeting schedule.  Click here to view the agenda for the January 30, 2013 regular Board meeting.

Posted in Announcements | Comments Off on Schedule for the 2013 Board meetings and the agenda for the January 30, 2013 Board meeting has been uploaded.