Category Archives: Announcements

Budget for 2011 Calendar Year has been voted.

The board has voted the budget for 2011.  Click here to view it: CY2011 Budget

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Daruma’s Third Quarter 2010 (3Q10) Investment Report is Here

Hot off the press and direct to you – the third quarter report from our small-cap manager, Daruma, has just been uploaded to the “Investments” page of our website.  It is a great read – you have to see it.

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It’s Official – We Have an Election Contest

It is official – we have two candidates running for the position of “Fourth Member” on the board.  On Thursday of this week, signatures on the nomination papers of David R. Gendron, and Kevin P. Fox were verified and certified, … Continue reading

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Board approves new funding schedule for FY2012 (and beyond)

Every two years the board updates its actuarial valuation, which determines future retirement liability, the balance of assets to meet that liability, and the amount we are funded/unfunded.  The process also presents the board with an opportunity to revise the funding … Continue reading

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Advisory Council meeting posted for September 23, 2010

NOTICE  FRANKLIN REGIONAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM ADVISORY COUNCIL (treasurers) MEETING 278 Main Street, Greenfield Massachusetts Conference Room, Suite 311  Thursday, September 23, 2010 9:00 am   Agenda  Call to Order Review and Acceptance of Meeting Minutes Visitors and . . . … Continue reading

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Board Election 2010 Announced

September 1, 2010 – The various positions on our retirement board are filled by both election and appointment.  It is now time to conduct a regular, three-year election for the “fourth member” of the board.  As of this writing, the … Continue reading

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PERAC Annual Report 2009 now available.

Each year PERAC publishes a report of statistics of each retirement system in Massachusetts. The main focus of the report is on the financial health of the system(s) with a page for each system that shows current status and historical … Continue reading

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PERAC Pension News #24 is a good read!

I just got done reading PERAC’s Pension News #24 and think it expresses some excellent perspectives on what’s right about our retirement systems. Everyone should read it. Goto: Dale

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Special Meeting Posted for July 21, 2010

BOARD MEETING NOTICE FRANKLIN REGIONAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM  Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 8:30 a.m.     AT  Office of the Town Clerk Town of Deerfield 8 Conway Street, Deerfield MA  AGENDA  Appointment of Fifth Member to the Board

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Municipal Relief Act is moving again.

Yesterday, the House/Senate Conference Committee on Municipal Relief Legislation, H4877, released its long-awaited report to the Legislature. It is expected that the House and Senate will shortly approve the Committee report and send the bill to the Governor. Municipal Relief … Continue reading

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