Search for mid cap value and mid cap growth investment managers to begin in December 2018.

The Board of the Franklin Regional Retirement System has voted to begin a search for a mid cap manager that tilts towards growth, as a complement to its existing allocation to mid cap core/value. To position to take advantage of favorable pairing, the existing mid cap core/value allocation managed currently by Seizert Capital Partners will also be re-bid. The Board is pleased with Seizert’s performance and hopes they will respond to the RFP. To accommodate the effort of two RFPS in one year, the Board is seeking to extend its contract with its small cap manager, Systematic Financial Management, for two more years (from 5 to 7). The position with Systematic was scheduled for this time for re-bid.

The existing core/value mid cap allocation has a target of 5%, and both mid cap allocations will have a target of 5% of FRRS’s total allocation at the conclusion of the search. To accommodate the additional 5% within the overall allocation, FRRS will reduce its overall target allocation to fixed income by 5%.

Dahab Associates will handle the search.  It will start in December 2018, then Dahab will report to the Board at the end of February, and if warranted, the Board will interview managers in April 2019. The RFP announcements will be listed on both the Dahab website, and the PERAC website – on their respective “searches” pages.

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October 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Uploaded

The minutes of the October 30, 2018 Board meeting have been uploaded to the 2018 minutes page. Click here to view.

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Agenda for the Wednesday, November 28, 2018 Regular Board Meeting has been uploaded.

The Agenda of the Wednesday, November 28, 2018 Board meeting has been uploaded.  Click here to view.

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September 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Uploaded

The minutes of the September 26, 2018 Board meeting have been uploaded to the 2018 minutes page. Click here to view.

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The Agenda for the Wednesday, November 7, 2018 Advisory Council Election and Annual Board Meetings has been uploaded.

Click here to view the agenda for the Wednesday, November 7, 2018 Advisory Council Election and Annual Board Meetings.

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Agenda for the Tuesday, October 30, 2018 Regular Board Meeting has been uploaded.

The Agenda for the Wednesday, December 19, 2018 Board meeting has been uploaded.  Click here to view.

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August 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Uploaded

The minutes of the August 29, 2018 Board meeting have been uploaded to the 2018 minutes page. Click here to view.

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The Agenda for the Wednesday, September 26, 2018 Regular Board Meeting has been uploaded

Click here to view the agenda for the Wednesday, September 26, 2018 Regular Board Meeting.

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Office closed – water line broken.

There is a chance that the office will be closed Tuesday, September 11, 2018 because the building has no water. Please call ahead and check before you make the trip. 413.774.4837

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Legal Services, Investment Consultant and Custody Banking Services Contract Awards

Franklin Regional Retirement System has completed the RFP process for legal services, investment consultant services, and custodial banking services.  At its regular meeting on August 29, 2918, the Board reviewed the proposals and awarded the contracts to the respondents named below.   We want to thank all of the respondents for their time and considerable effort in preparing their proposal.

The Law Offices of Michael Sacco for legal services

Dahab Associates, Inc for investment consultant services

Comerica Bank for custody services

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